I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. Besides all the many gifts our daughter received, she also picked up some new phrases that she repeatedly said to extended family and friends; my favorite of which being "I don't like you". Now, I
know she didn't hear that from
me. I'm blaming Dr. Seuss (I don't like that Sam I Am). I have since decided to censor her book collection. James and I both can't believe how much our little girl has grown up; it feels like she went from age two to age three in a matter of two weeks, and needless to say I have had a few teary moments (ok, maybe more like uncontrollable sobbing)over the past week. It didn't help that we painted London's perfect little periwinkle nursery a nice neutral color for her brother. The good news is she could have cared less; she was so excited when we assembled his crib and put it next to hers (her feelings may quickly change when he is crying every 2 hours in the middle of the night). We are all getting so excited about the arrival of baby boy Baird. Which leads me to my next question; has anyone else experienced uncontrollable middle of the night nesting urges 9 weeks before the due date? I have been cleaning and organizing for the better part of last week and I spent Saturday night doing what else, cleaning and organizing (and by Saturday night I mean Sunday morning, because I didn't stop until 7:30am)? That never happened with London, I think I got the urge to vacuum several days before (let me tell ya, I'm quite the house keeper). But we had just moved and I did do a
lot of unpacking. Anyway, I just wondered, it made James
really nervous; he was watching me all day Sunday and strange things were coming out of his mouth like "Maybe you should go lie down" and "Can I go to the store with you?". Maybe it's just that my house is in such a state of chaos that I
need to be cleaning and organizing 9 weeks before. Wow, I wrote a lot, if you're still reading, I'm sorry, I'm done now, next time I'll just post some pictures, I promise.
I nested like that too. Just crazy cleaning and organizing outbursts at the most random times. I would clean until I couldn't anymore. I would get down on my hands and knees and clean all the floors. I even organized the attic!! I can't wait to see baby boy Baird!! Hope you are feeling well.
I just love you Kristen! You are a girl after my own heart. I read your blog and just relate. Thanks for sharing, you make me laugh and know that I am not alone in my own little motherhood livelyhood. :)
Wow! I am impressed...I unfortunately never really "nested." Although, I wish I would have and maybe my house would have been cleaner while I was pregnant! I think my version of nesting was getting all of my sub plans done so that I didn't have to think about school once Caleb arrived. :) You look so cute, by the way! You are so adorable pregnant!!!
You guys moved?
nevermind. I can't read.
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