It's true.
This guy went on a late night run to Target (in inclement weather), to purchase 200 bowls, so he could fill them all up with water, add food coloring, and put them (neatly) in snow trenches, so that they would freeze overnight, in order to build the kids their own personal igloo the next day.
Now that's some daddy dedication.
And don't forget the snowball fight fort, that you could slide to from the igloo.
Thanks for setting the bar so high honey; that's one way to win over the neighbors.;)
Add a lantern after dark, and.......
It glows!
Noble may have had a bit too much snow fun at this point.
The igloo could fit 3 small children inside, or
one large, fun loving, selfless, and completely wonderful man.
I'm tellin' ya, go for the nerds girls, go for the nerds.