Monday, August 3, 2009

A New Name

That's what my blog needs. Not that I really want to change the name, but Noble might feel slighted if his childhood memories are all recorded on a blog named after his sister. So I need some help. Serious help. I can't even tell you the names I've come up with (they all seem to be border line inappropriate, and don't ask why because I couldn't even tell you). So I am asking that all my creative friends throw some ideas at me if you got any (or even if you don't, I like getting comments :)). Thanks!


Jenae said...

I have no suggestions (I have started thinking about that for us too), but I love all of your recent pictures! The extent of my creativity is just naming it the first names of both of your kids!

Crystal said...

Kristen, the name of my blog is boring. It's our last name, but I think it's easier for me b/c I only have girls. I bet whatever you decide to change the name of your blog, it will be great!!

Beth said...

Well let's see...what about something like Bringing Up Bairds, or All Things London and Noble, or my favorite KB's Babies. Hee Hee. :)