Disney...at last.
We're here!

London enjoyed everything. The heat didn't even seem to get her down.

Noble was a little less tolerant. His aversion to heat is almost palapable. But we'll give him a break, he is only 16 months old.

Our elephant finally went up (the last go around). You can't be at Disney World and not ride the flying elephants.

Daddy and Noble gearing up for Philharmagic (I think that's how it's spelled). It was wonderful, and very cool inside.

This had to be the most amazing experience (and I'm speaking about my own reaction, not the kids). We were able to meet four real live Disney princesses. Just us. We had their undivided attention. I seriously felt nervous, I mean we walk in and they are right there with their perfect smiles and Fred Astaire hand gestures. I was six years old again and I wanted to hug each and every one.

Noble of course was hardly phased. He was quite the ladies' man.

I love the look of pure joy and excitement on London's face. Priceless.

Then it was off to meet the fairies.

This was, without a doubt, Noble's favorite part. The boy was in his element.

Tired, hot, and sweaty, but happy.

I think it was a world record for how quickly Noble crashed in the car. A guy can only take so much lovin'.

Bright and early the next morning, girl primping for Seaworld. Since our hair is sure to look fabulous in 100 degree heat.

The first show, Noble was mesmerized.

James feeding the stingrays, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

London wasn't so sure either.

Noble thought it looked cool; sorry bud, you're arms will have to grow another 2 feet to participate in the fish feeding.

Elizabeth getting up close with a dolphin.


We ventured back to our hotel to rest and cool down. During our trip London became quite the swimmer. She was able to swim back and forth to me under the water; my little water baby.

I love this moment. You can feel the calmness and contentment as London waits for the show to begin in her Daddy's lap.

London and I checking out the sharks, she was a little unsure...

Every thing is more fun when Papa is there....

I guess this is our only family pic from the trip. I love it. London's celebrating (as usual), Noble looks stoned and James and I are happy to just be along for the ride.

Again, adding another element of fun...

We missed the last show, but that didn't get these two down. Daddy and London boogied down at the dance party, they really have some moves.

Our journey is ending, London was even all smiles on the LONG trip back home.

And Noble...well, he caught up on his sleep.

I LOVED looking at all your pictures! It looks like you all had an amazing time!
Wow! Just looking at these pictures makes me tired! But I can tell that you all had SO MUCH fun!! Papa looked like a blast to be with, as usual, and I loved how you described James and you as just "being along for the ride." How appropriate! Glad you all had such a great time and we can't wait to see you next weekend!! It's been too long. Love you all!
So now I can tell my dad....but Jim and Yodi took their grandkids to Disney World! Glad you all had fun!
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